Halloween Gone Wrong: My Neighbor’s Unbelievable Reason for Smearing My Door with “Blood”

Halloween Gone Wrong: My Neighbor’s Unbelievable Reason for Smearing My Door with “Blood”

Last Halloween morning, I opened my front door and was stunned—my entire door was covered in fake blood and creepy handprints. At first, I thought it was a Halloween prank, something harmless. But as I looked closer, I realized it was only my door that had been “decorated” like this. Suspicious, I decided to ask my neighbor, Tom, if he knew anything about it.

His response? “Well, your door’s just… too boring for the Halloween spirit, don’t you think?”

I was speechless. “So, you thought my door didn’t look Halloween enough and decided to take matters into your own hands?”

Tom shrugged with a grin. “Come on, everyone’s putting in effort with their decorations, and your plain door was ruining the whole vibe for the block.”

I could hardly believe his nerve. “Tom, I’ve been working late shifts every night, barely getting enough sleep to support my family. Decorating wasn’t exactly at the top of my list.”

He just shrugged, completely unfazed. “Not my problem. Halloween’s about the vibe, after all.”

I held back my anger and simply gave him a tight smile, walking away. But in my mind, I was already planning how I’d be adding extra Halloween spirit to his side of the street for my upcoming party.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: