What Could Be Causing Your Feet to Peel?

Your feet may peel due to a skin condition, such as eczema, or fungal infection. Sometimes peeling feet may be a sign of an underlying condition.


There are many potential causes of peeling feet. And while the peeling may be annoying and could make you feel self-conscious, especially if you’re wearing sandals or flip-flops, it’s usually treatable. Here’s a look at some of the most common causes of peeling feet, the most effective treatment options, and other symptoms to look out for. The most common causes of peeling feet – The skin on your feet probably takes more strain than you realize. From the irritation of tight or stuffy shoes to direct contact with contaminated surfaces to overexposure to the elements, there are many reasons why the skin on your feet may start to peel. Athlete’s foot – Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that primarily affects the feet. It usually starts between your toes, and can affect both feet or just one. The main symptoms of athlete’s foot include: a red, scaly, itchy rash, burning, stinging, peeling, blistering, dryness and scaliness

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