A sweet stray dog decides to join the 155 mile race and makes one of the runners his new family

In order to pick up a dog on the street, there is absolutely no need to wait for some special time or look for favorable circumstances, it turns out somehow by itself. And Gobi, a tiny stray dog ​​from China, is alive proof of that.

A sweet stray dog decides to join the 155 mile race and makes one of the runners his new family

The dog was able to find herself an owner during a 155-mile grueling marathon in the Gobi Desert in China, which took place in June 2016.

The dog took part in the race, joining the experienced runner from Scotland, Dion Leonard.

A sweet stray dog decides to join the 155 mile race and makes one of the runners his new family

“On the 2nd day of the competition, I stood at the start of the next stage of the race, and she stood next to me, constantly looking at me,” says Dion.

“I thought to myself that this little dog would not follow me for a long time, but in the end she was able to run a distance of 23 miles.”

A sweet stray dog decides to join the 155 mile race and makes one of the runners his new family

Due to extreme weather conditions, the dog was unable to participate in the entire race, but the organizers of the competition drove him so that she could always be with Leonard.

In the end, on the last day, they crossed the finish line together.

After this unusual race, the athlete decided to take the dog with him to Scotland, regardless of what bureaucratic and financial issues he had to deal with.

“The Gobi chose me to be life buddies, so I’ll do my best, with the help of people from all over the world, to make this happen,” Leonard said.

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