A woman lost 90 kg after a rescue helicopter could not pick her up due to her weight

Danielle Hutchinson weighed 325 pounds when one day she discovered that her weight prevented her from flying in the rescue helicopter with her seriously ill four-year-old daughter. This 32-year-old woman from Norwich, Connecticut, battled obesity her entire life. She was not allowed to ride roller coasters and always required an extension belt when traveling by plane. But in December 2022, her weight became a life-threatening problem.

Her daughter Neve suffered a severe asthma attack and had to be urgently taken by helicopter to a specialized hospital. Tragically, medical professionals determined that Danielle’s weight posed a safety risk and she had to travel separately from her daughter.

This experience was the turning point for Danielle. Within a few weeks, she completely changed her diet and started taking weight loss injections. Over the next year, she maintained her diet and exercise and managed to lose an incredible 200 pounds. Today, Danielle weighs just 110 pounds and can hardly believe her luck. “I’ve battled obesity for almost my entire adult life and always put my children first,” she says.

“But not being able to be on the helicopter with my daughter was a wake-up call. I realized that if I really wanted to be there for my children, I couldn’t neglect myself.” Despite her success, Danielle now faces a new challenge: having about five kilograms of excess skin removed from her stomach.

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